Friday, June 15, 2012

Conferences, book sales, testing = end of the year

Coming to the end of the school year means a wild rush of recitals, art shows, conferences, curriculum sales, cleaning and in our case testing.
First came our homeschool art show. Both children displayed three works of art. E13 had not wanted to enter the juried show because she was convinced she was too young to win anything. To our utter amazement, she won a blue ribbon and her work was sent to the NY State home school convention for display.
E13's prize winning watercolor
M8's work was entered in the non-juried part of the show but he too received an honorable mention.

M8 Giraffe watercolor
After the art show, we had a piano recital, went to the State conference and then it was testing time.
This was the first year the M8 took tests and he did very, very well. It is hard for any child to sit in a chair for hours taking a test, but for a child on the spectrum it can be shear torture.
With some help from the proctors, M8, was able to take bounce breaks when needed, have his own little desk, with some sound proofing so he could read to himself out loud, and someone to sit with him. Apart from that he was able to sit the test like the other children.
E13 is an old hand at the testing and loves hanging out with her friends and playing "gaga", an in-door version of dodge ball, indoor soccer and floor hockey rolled into one.
With testing behind us, summer is truly approaching.  I always have a hard time deciding what to do. M8 would benefit from some consistent activities over the summer because if left to himself, he will watch t.v. all day. E13 always feels the need for a break.
I decided to compromise taking a little time off and them working on some things with M over the summer.

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